
Sunday, 11 January 2015

''Free And Young And We Can Feel None Of It''

Hey Everyone!

This is my first lifestyle blog post of the year! I can't honestly comprehend how quickly the year has been so far. I never quite realised that ten days could pass by in such a hasty fashion. I went back to school this week, which was in one word, traumatising.

I started the week by contracting tonsillitis, exactly what a Sixth Year needs on their first day back after Christmas! I woke up at 2.30 am, struggling to swallow anything and in general agony. I went to the doctor at 7 am, got some medicine (I nearly said the Irish word, help) and went onto school at 9 am. Many people thought I was insane (I could barely talk) but when you're in Leaving Cert there is genuinely nothing you can do but stick it out. missing out on valuable classes is truly not an option.

I managed through school, it was the first time since I had fatigue late last year that I felt back to normal in school, both physically and academically. I'm academically back where I was before I was absent which is such a relief, considering how close the Mocks are. . .

I don't really want to talk about the Mocks as this week I realised it's around a month until them and each time I think about them, my throat tightens and my heart thumps with worry and stress. This week the Leaving Cert timetable was released, which I swiftly printed out and stuck at my study desk as one of my 'motivating pieces'

I realise I've never talked about my 'motivating pieces' at my study desk! They are random things to keep me motivated and determined to achieve the best I can in the exams. For example, one is a quote of ''She turned her can't into cans and her dreams into plans' as I want and desire for the same to happen. Another is a poster of the college I want to attend, a letter from said college, the Leaving Cert timetable and also a small photo of me aged twelve.

A photo of myself you ask? It sounds weird doesn't it? It's not out of vanity (trust me I wasn't the most photogenic twelve year old) It's a passport sized photo and it was taken when I was in Sixth Class, so I'm wearing my primary school uniform in it. I keep it at my desk so whenever I feel like giving up studying or feel frustrated with study, I look at the photo of 'the little girl' and I know - I need- to make this little girl proud of who I have become. It's an incentive to be the best I possibly can be. It's based on the quote, ''If you spoke to your ten year old self, would they be proud?''  I want that little girl to know that I'm trying my utmost to achieve the dreams we share for the future.

I also paid my deposit on accommodation at the college I want to attend, which was a mentally daunting experience. It's all becoming very real indeed. For years I've dreamt of going to college to do something I've always wanted to do. Now, it's all coming into place and I should be thrilled, but I'm utterly petrified at the same time. Time is going by so quickly I'm worried I'll fall behind, or something is going to happen and it'll all be over. I'm determined to keep studying and learning as intensely as ever, there's only six months left of this Leaving Cert and I'm focused on making it the best experience I can.

Everyone in school is generally talking about Leaving Cert timetables, Debs and of course Mocks. We were sitting at the bench at lunch when a GAA lad threw a ball of tinfoil at us, leading to the question of ''Who threw that?'' being raised by a friend of mine. I swiftly replied that it was 'The Peasants' which, in all honestly, led to dirty looks and raised eyebrows all round. Am I sorry? Not at all. In all honesty, if you comment pure and utter spam on my blog for no reason whatsoever, you should really realise that you're not a saint who's untouchable and shouldn't be offended by a mild word in comparison to what you have commented here.

I also hope to make another 'Letters to the Leaving Cert' video in the coming weeks, maybe the midterm after the Mocks? I've gotten some really positive feedback on the videos which is always a bonus! Even if they were ''so sad'' but it's a roller coaster of a year full of ups and downs, I just have to focus on the positives.

Photos from my week!
My advice on life.

Some weird snaps I sent to Grace.

The epitome of my life as of late.

*cries in the corner*

Let us pray indeed.

My Godmother gave me the cutest Christmas present ever, in particular this mug with the yummiest hot chocolate! Thank you :D

I finished this last week. I've always been a massive fan of the Shopaholic series, I'm so excited for the next book! 

Stay Strong, Happy & Fearless!
                                                                       Aveen xx

*Lyrics: Hozier - Sedated.
Definitely one of my favourite songs at the moment, whenever I have spare time I have his album on repeat!

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