
Monday, 29 July 2013

A Little Update On What To Expect Next!

Hey Everyone!

I have some epic news for you all, which will be explained in this video! *gasps*

So yes, I am now including a video segment to my blog posts! Don't worry, I'll still be writing as much as I usually do, just now you'll hear me actually speaking about my week/life. 
Hope you enjoy, I am really excited about this new part of my blog!

Ps, please don't judge my hair, I was having a ''natural day'' where I didn't straighten/blowdry my hair! It's like having Hobbit hair!
Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless
Aveen xx


  1. This is a great idea. Ah you seem so lovely and friendly! Can't wait to see more x

    1. Awh thank you! I was watching back the video and I seem so hyper, don't judge my accent please haha! I'm also thinking of finishing the blog challenge using my video segments! :) x

    2. No worries. You just came across as enthusiastic and interesting! I'm Irish too so I'm used to the accent! That would be cool to do, it would add an extra dimension..make it more interesting! x

    3. YAY :) I thought it would be a different thing to do seeing as I don't have the time to write one every day and I'm going back to school in a month I'd like to finish it before then :)x

  2. Your natural hair is gorgeous! I'm so jealous as my hair is straight all the time :(

    1. Oh thank you! :) I don't really let my hair go natural, I was too lazy to blow-dry it and just left it! I'd love to have straight hair, so much easier! :)

  3. Hehe can't wait to watch your videos :D your hair is so pretty I wish my hair was as tame as that when I leave it natural ! xx

    1. I couldn't resist starting the video's, I might upload them to YouTube too, good or bad idea? Haha my hair is so short in comparison to yours though, that's probably why! :) xx


Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog! I appreciate it so much.