
Sunday, 4 August 2013

Who Needs Vid-Con When You Have Amusements?!

Hey Everyone!

Another week has come and passed! So the title of this post is about Vid-Con and amusements! I was devastated that I wasn't going to Vid-Con, (I will probably never get to go there, perks of living in Ireland) I'd love to meet Dan Howell, Phil Lester, John & Hank Green, Charlie McDonnell, Zoella and lots more people someday as I adore them all and they are my idols! . Maybe I'll go in a few years, if I'm lucky.

So I wasn't up to very much this week, until the weekend! I was working for the majority of the week which I didn't mind. I was up at 4 am on Saturday for work later on however I finished early enough so I went for brunch with my friend Shannon who was working with me that morning. I then got a text from my friend Vivien asking to go to the amusements with her and Grace (aka DaintySprinkles) so I went and we had an amazing time. Now, I have an insane fear of heights so I wasn't able to go on the higher amusements so Grace and I took photos while Viv went on those amusements! (See below!)

Hopefully by the time I have written this, my video will have uploaded to YouTube, if you could subscribe to me I would really appreciate it, I am a little terrified uploading to YouTube, it's one of the biggest social media platforms on the internet. I love blogging as I can write down what's going on, whilst blogging you don't have to make eye-contact with a camera, you just type whatever is in your head..

Please don't hate me haha. 

Also, in the video you will see a toy puppy on my right hand side! It's a branded cuddly toy I got in the supermarket on Friday whilst shopping with my Mam, it's so cute, my inner child screamed to have it! I have a feeling I won't be letting my little cousins near it when they visit. (Yes really)

So the weeks are quickening steadily now, I've three weeks left in my summer job then I'm back in school (once again, explained in the video!) Which I'm really going to miss but I'll be happy to be back in school and see all my friends again!

Taking selfies at the amusements with our popcorn and candy floss! (I asked for the SMALL candy floss if you're wondering!)

Grace eating her popcorn 

Attractively eating my candy floss.. 

Vivien on one of the amusements I was too scared to go on.. 

Flying without wings!

Goodbye Matt Smith, this has been me for several days...

Playlist for this blog post: Ps I put my songs on shuffle..
Muse ~ Uprising
The Band Perry ~ If I Die Young
The Wanted ~ Walks Like Rihanna (I don't even know, I heard it work and it's stuck in my head)
The Coronas ~ Heroes Or Ghosts
Muse ~ New Born
Panic! At The Disco ~ The Ballad Of Mona Lisa

So it was an interesting collab with Grace and we definitely had lots of fun, it was great craic and I'd definitely do another collab! 

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless,
Aveen xx


  1. Replies
    1. Oh my god #PrayForAveen I think is more the case! :)

  2. Hi Aveen, love your blog! Became a follower a while back but didn't properly read it... You know what I mean!
    You guys looked like you had a lot of fun!!!! I follow Grace's blog too and didn't know you two were real life friends :)
    Your blog's on my Blogs I Love list and I'd love if you checked mine out too dorkyfizzyandquirkystuff.blogspot.ie

    1. Thank you Jane! :) Yeah Grace and I have known each other for years, I just followed your blog, it looks great and I can't wait to read more posts on it! :D

  3. Sounds like fun- great post! xxx

    1. It was great, really enjoyed it! Ah thank you, I really loved writing about it, follow your blog already, it's a great read!:) xx


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