
Sunday, 18 January 2015

''And The Sky Turned Black Like A Perfect Storm''

Hey Everyone!

Another week has come and gone. It's startling how fast time has been going by as of late.

My life has mainly consisted of waking up, school, homework, study, food and sleep. It's alright I suppose, yet I crave more meaning in my life. I find I'm constantly reminding myself that the Leaving Cert will be over in June and I just have to deal with these next six months of pain until then. I saw someone compare it to ''A year of pain for extra gain.'' Which is startlingly accurate in my opinion.

Enough with my existential crisis and craving for substance and meaning to my existence! I went to the Open Day for Mary Immaculate College on Saturday morning in Limerick. It's a two and a half hour-ish drive from where I live (Aka The Sunny South East) so I was equipped with my music and earphones. I'm used to driving to Limerick occasionally as my brother is in UL so the city doesn't seem like an alien concept to me.

We left early on Saturday morning as the Open Day started at 11am and we wanted to be there on time. The weather was utterly treacherous. From Stradbally onwards, it was a winter wonderland with snow covering the cars. I have to commend all the road gritters from the various counties we journeyed through, all the roads were gritted. We were on the motorway just before Moneygall (The place obsessed with Obama with the Obama Plaza and all sorts!) and it was a really, really dangerous bend. We saw a lane was closed with ambulances and fire brigades with flashing lights.

The bend was horrifically slushy and a car was overturned and flipped on its roof in the ditch. It was genuinely terrifying, especially as when the firemen were directing us and the other cars, we all starting slipping in the slush! However, luckily we were fine and took even more care on the way to Mary I.

At 10.50 we parked outside. We knew the way as I visited the campus briefly in the Summer on another day. We walked to the building where the Open Day was being held and attended one of the talks about the courses at Mary I. To say that I fangirled when I noticed the lecturer had an Orla Kiely bag was an understatement! (Mine was standing proudly on the desk too)

The talk was extremely informative and soothed any concerns my parents had about different aspects of the course. Afterwards we went on a tour of the campus and the accommodation available on-campus. There was a strange mix of people at the Open Day, the majority were girls and some lads. On the tour of the campus a mother and her son (A TY we presume as she asked him if he wanted to go to the college ''when his time came'') were horrifically pushy and literally shoved me into a wall in a bid to keep up with the tour guide! (Bit eccentric, especially as the child isn't even doing his LC this year)

Apart from that, I had a brilliant morning in Mary I and learnt lots about the course I'm considering. Afterwards we ran some errands in the city, had lunch and headed back onto the treacherous roads whilst counting 'Eddie Stobart'' lorries as they passed (We saw 16)

This week will be exciting, I think. On Monday myself and three others from my History class are representing the school at the Senior History Quiz. The lads were on the team last year (and won) so I am determined to contribute my best effort!

I finally caught up on all of my homework and now have the time to study for the mocks! I am feeling relieved that I now have the opportunity to study and actually prepare for the exams. There's a Strike Day on Thursday so I can catch up on sleep too! *Parties in the corner*

*Title: Lyric from Taylor Swift - Clean

 Photos from my week

''Hey Aveen, how's your life these days?''

On the road home from Limerick, the scenery was breathtaking!

All my snaps as of late.

So that's about all from me,
Stay Strong, Happy & Fearless!
Aveen xx

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