
Monday, 29 December 2014

What I Got For Christmas 2014!

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely, happy and healthy Christmas. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of Christmas. This post is about the presents I received from my family and friends.

Just before I start, I would like to state that I'm entirely grateful and humbled by the beautiful presents I received. This blog post isn't for bragging, some like these type of posts, some don't. Anyway, here is what I got for Christmas 2014!

I didn't ask for anything 'big' this year like a phone or a laptop as I got a new laptop in the summer and a new phone a few weeks ago. I was delighted and happily surprised with the gifts I received.

Taylor Swift's album '1989' along with 'The Silkworm' by Robert Galbraith. The 'Pengwing' beside the Smarties and 1989 is a hand warmer! I have horrifically cold hands in Winter (even with gloves or mittens) so it's perfect!

Sweets, Impulse sprays (my absolute favourite!) and Penguin socks (Pengwing if you love Benedict Cumberbatch like I do)

A Starbucks mug with a candy cane spoon! There was also sachets of coffee, yum!

A Vaseline bag with some pretty products, 'Shopaholic to the stars' by Sophie Kinsella. I've been reading the Shopaholic series since I was like 13! (5 years ago help)

The cutest fluffy pen! Reckon my teachers will allow me write in class with it? 

The massive shoes are slippers in the shape of Converse! I also received a One Direction calendar. I received one last year and loved it! I also got a couple of pairs of pyjamas, which I love and adore! 

So that's what I received for Christmas! Hope you had fun having a nose through my presents! :) 
I'll be back shortly to write a 2014 reflection (which I've started planning!) 
Best wishes for 2015 to all you lovely readers!
Stay Strong, Happy & Fearless!
Aveen xx


  1. Looks like you've been very lucky! <3 Merry Christmas lovely Gisforgingers xx

    1. Thanks Claire! I got your Christmas card today too, the rest of my family recognises your handwriting, as soon as it popped in the letterbox Mam said, ''Claire's sent you a card!'' :D Best wishes for 2015! xx

  2. it looks like you got loads of lovely gifts, hope you had a great christmas!

    Maddie // itsthatplacecalledhere.blogspot.co.uk


    1. Thank you Maddie, I was blown away and humbled to be honest! Same to you and best wishes for the New Year xx

  3. It's been such a long time since I've commented here but I've been keeping an eye on your blog! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas! I like Wonderland and Blank Space from 1989. I don't have the album but I've heard those x

    1. Pamela! Long time no see! I'm delighted to hear from you again, you were one of the first bloggers I ever read! We should have a catch-up, you haven't blogged in a while! All the best for 2015. I love 1989, it's so addictive! Let me know how you're getting on ! xx

    2. I know I left for quite a bit, was still reading blogs but just wasn't feeling it myself! Yes most definitely, you've kept your blog very well still going strong! :)

    3. Are you writing a blog at the moment? If you are, please send me a link, I really miss your blog posts. Yeah, 2014 was a big enough year for my blog, I'm really proud of this little spot in the internet, I remember being excited over getting 2,000 page views, now it's over 44,000 :O

    4. I am yes not regularly but I want to get back into it. I just started it up - purrmela.blogspot.ie. 44,000 that is brilliant!! You deserve it, your posts are very entertaining and being from Ireland its nice to read other Irish bloggers!

    5. I just had a quick read, and followed on BlogLovin'! Congrats on getting into UL, my brother is in 4th year there! Small world isn't it? And thank you, I didn't really think my posts were entertaining, it's good to know that they are! :D :D

    6. Thank you :P Ah that is mad! very small world indeed!

    7. Sorry for the late reply (leaving cert, as usual!) It genuinely is haha. :)

  4. Santa was very, very good to you! The Taylor Swift CD is amazing! I got it the day it came out. (I'm a little Swift obsessed one might say.) Those Converse shaped slippers are super cute too. Lovely post, Aveen! x

    Happy New Year! xx


    1. Thanks Guilianna! I love Taylor too, I remember getting Fearless when I was 12, still feels like yesterday! The slippers are so comfy it's brilliant. Happy New Year to you too! xx


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