
Sunday, 27 July 2014

''Everything’s In Order In A Black Hole, Nothing Seems As Pretty As The Past Though''

Hey Everyone!

It's the end of another week, which honestly shocked me, this week flew by! Many of you will be delighted to hear that another AwkwardSprinkles day was had on Saturday! Which means TWO new videos, aren't you all lucky?! :D

Grace and I met up down the town and sauntered around the town, catching up and having lots of fun. We later went to Grace's gaff (our obsession with 'gaff' is becoming slightly terrifying) to film two new videos which are so utterly random and strange, I'm slightly concerned about how we will be perceived afterwards! :)

I didn't really do much this week, I kind of took things easier this week. As a result I feel rejuvenated and eager to finish aims I had planned for the summer instead of just reblogging GIF's of Dan Howell (That said, nothing wrong with spending countless days drooling over Dan Howell's jawline) I also bought the magazine that will be featuring a massive poster of him in August. Life = Made.

I also made a Facebook page for my blog, you can check it out here and I'll be posting on this page whenever I write a blog post or make a YouTube video. I made the Facebook page after nearly a year and a half of procrastinating doing so!

In other news, the Long List for the Blog Awards Ireland was released on Friday. If you check the sidebar, you'll see that this little blog was nominated in THREE categories, for Best Lifestyle Blog, Best Personal Blog and Best Youth Blog! I was completely and utterly shocked when I read through the nominee's! I had to read it a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. So I'd like to say a massive thank you to the lovely people who nominated me, I really and truly appreciate it and this has given me the confidence to announce to my family and friends that I have a blog! Some of my family and friends knew but I don't think many did!

So The Random Life Of Aveen is no longer a quietly kept secret and it feels good to be able to say, ''Yep, I'm a lifestyle blogger and an occasional YouTuber as well being a Leaving Cert student''

I also developed an obsession with loom bands. I bought a couple of packets just to try it out and I was honestly hooked at once. I've made nearly a dozen loom bands so far and I'm experimenting with different designs which is really fun.

I also bought some new music on iTunes, I got Ed Sheeran's new album 'X' the deluxe version, AM by Arctic Monkeys and the 1975's self-titled album. I'm really happy with the albums I bought, I'd been meaning to buy them for a LONG time so my days have been filled with lots of new songs (yay!)

Photos from my week!
With Grace!

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

LOOM BANDS! I made Wexford and Limerick loom bands for my cousins. (I'm writing this whilst still wearing my Wexford jersey, there's always next year)

Another loom band

Selfie at Grace's gaff|!

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless, 
I'll see you all very soon!
Aveen xx

PS, Grace uploaded the latest AwkwardSprinkles video, mine will be on the way shortly! :) 

Lyrics: Arctic Monkeys ~ Fluorescent Adolescent 

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