
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

All The Voices In My Mind, Calling Out Across The Line...

Hey Everyone!

So this blog post is a few days late and in all honesty, I don't really have an excuse! Every day is melting seamlessly into another, leaving me in the lurch and thinking of all the things I could have finished in the past tense, instead of actually doing the work I wanted to do.

However, what matters now is that I'm actually progressing to finish the random things I've procrastinated for the past few days. During the summer months I seem to just 'lose the plot' as my routine is thrown out of sorts for a few months. I suppose you could call it having freedom but I think for a few blissful weeks I let it go to my head, resulting in a week or two of just thinking of what I could have achieved in that wasted time instead of progressing further to achieve anything.

I have a huge 'block' in my head about school. It's my last year in second-level education and I think my mind is in denial over this somewhat terrifying prospect. However let's be positive, there's still over a month of Summer holidays for me to procrastinate and enjoy! I'm planning another YouTube video soon as I recently made some purchases online (some of which arrived!) from Roxy and Hollister so I'll be doing a Mini-Haul soon and maybe another video or two that may contain a trace of Sprinkles or Awkwardness (Watch this space)

Down below are some random things I bought during the week. I was down the town with my friends and for the first time in probably 6 months bought KISS magazine. I started reading the magazine when I was around 10 or 11 but stopped at the start of this year, mainly as I felt I had outgrown the magazine and personally, enjoyed the previous editor's styles of writing and also choice of topics. (I'm so picky I know)

I also bought 'The Book Thief' on DVD. I read the book (and cried a little) earlier this year and heard rave reviews about the film. As of yet I've to finish watching the DVD but the half hour or so I saw was utterly excellent. I just need a quiet evening or afternoon to just sit down and watch it. I also bought some iTunes cards because well, music.

I also got my hair cut for the first time in like 3 months. I'm usually very good and get it cut once a month or every 6 weeks but with Summer exams and going to the Gaeltacht for 3 weeks, time seemed to melt away. Before I knew it my hair was extremely thick and bushy so I knew it was time to get my hair thinned and cut again so my hair is nice and styled again!

Last Thursday I went to the Chinese with some friends for Viv's birthday. We all had a great evening and had amazing milkshakes afterwards (it's tradition okay) Grace was there too but we were sitting at other sides of the extremely long table, ooops.

Photos from my week!

Some of the girls at Viv's birthday

Random selfie from Thursday after getting my hair done

Photo with Viv!

Wexford played against Waterford on Saturday so again I'm embracing being a Yellow Belly and wearing my jersey. Let's hope the match in Thurles will be good!

So that's about it from me, I'll hopefully be posting later on in the week. I'm also blogging on Collab Sunflower! Check out the collaboration blog, each week we have a different theme and it's just brilliant.
I'll be posting on Friday about  'A Momentous Memory'

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless!
Aveen xx

*Lyrics: Ed Sheeran ~ Bloodstream 


  1. I loved the book thief but I'm yet to watch the film-I'm definitely in correlation with the whole procrastination thing - egh I can't seem to shake it off!

    lots of love, lauryn xo

    1. I found The Book Thief was excellent, still haven't watched the DVD despite having two days off! (Season 3 of American Horror Story beckons) I used to call my room 'The Procrastination Station' as it was all I ever did in earlier school years! :) x

  2. RELAAAAX OVER A MONTH LEFT OF SUMMER :D all the photos hahaha thank god I'm not in any of them O.o

    1. The Ag Project is upsetting me because I've tonnes of photos to print off. A lovely friend of mine gave me LC Irish notes and essays so I've been reading over those too. Fun times :D

  3. I haven't read the book thief, maybe I need to give it a try! I'm going into my last year of school in September and the thought of only having a year left scares me! Like you I still have loads of summer break to enjoy though! :)
    Maddie // that place called here

    1. The Book Thief is just brilliant, definitely recommend it! It's scary having only a year left isn't it? Still summer holidays though, be grand! :D x


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