
Sunday, 21 July 2013

Shopping & Heatwaves!

Hey Everyone,

this week again the weather is simply stunning. Officially we're in drought! Even the grass on the Emerald Isle is turning brown! The horror. I was working for most of the gorgeous weather but I did get outside every once in a while. I tan quite easily, well for an Irish person, so I'm looking quite brown right now which I'm quite proud of. I had some random adventures this week, so overall it was a fun week.

On Friday, my day off this week, I went shopping with my Mam and my older brother (he wasn't socially awkward for once, woo) to a shopping centre in a town around 25 minutes or so away. We went to a good few shops (photos of what I bought are below) and we stopped off for frappuccinos which were simply delicious in the heat. (It was 83% humidity, scary for Ireland)

My brother is quite fussy and refuses to eat cream, butter or drink a glass of milk, so I told him that frapp's were made from ice cream (because I'm evil and he's not allergic to dairy products, he's just a fussy University student!) so he got one and devoured it! He said ''The ice cream was amazing in that, it was so fluffy it was crazy!'' So I told him it was cream, his facial expression was just priceless.

I also went into another shop and bought a new notebook (where I go my last one around a year ago, it's nearly full now too! *sob*) and a peacock memo pad with a cute brooch on the front. I have an obsession with stationery, I adore looking at cute notebooks with quirky designs on them. I love buying new notebooks (for own use, not school related) letters, and more. I have an adorable hardback with cupcakes on the back and front, I simply love it.

I went into Eason's too, (an amazing bookshop if you don't know) and bought Delirium, it looks really good! It's written by Lauren Oliver who also wrote ''Before I Fall'' which I really want to read too. I won't be starting Delirium for a while at least as I want to finish my John Green books first. UPDATE: I read Looking for Alaska, it was just stunning, I cried so hard reading it.

 I'm nearly finished An Abundance of Katherine's, it was something different and I actually somewhat enjoyed all the maths in the book! (I'm horrendous at maths and I'm doing Honours Maths in Leaving Cert, this will be fun) After 'An Abundance of Katherine's'' I'll read Paper Towns then Will Grayson Will Grayson or vice versa. I must say John Green books are all special pages of literature indeed, they're so precious and beautiful.

Oh and on another John Green note, I have been sticking quotes on the walls beside my impromptu ''John Green book Shrine'' which I started as a joke with my brother and also with Grace aka Dainty Sprinkles! So far there's 25 or so quotes stuck on the walls and more will be added as I read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Paper Towns. I have no life at all have I?

The Roxy website had a sale on recently so I bought some things, which finally arrived on Monday (woop woop) I was home alone at the time so I had to sign for them, which is fine, except if you're left handed! However I got all my things and they're just amazing. I ordered a new wallet, a pink Roxy t shirt and I got a new school bag (I have an obsession with Roxy bags, every one of my school bags since starting in secondary school have been Roxy, they last very well too, would definitely recommend!)

Oh and another brilliant thing occurred during the week. This blog, my blog, reached 4,000 views! At the moment it's nearly 4,200 which is just, surreal! So thank you all so much, I owe you all. I still have a few more idea's up my sleeve which I will tell you all about in good time so keep reading about my random tales!

My things from Roxy! (To say I was excited was an understatement)

The John Green Book Shrine! (Now with 25 quotes for being philosophical) 

My frappuccino from Costa (the nearest Starbucks is in Dublin *sob*)

The front of my new notebook! Doesn't it look amazing? I love it so far. 

My new notebook!

My new memo pad, I love the brooch on the front (it's also magnetic and keeps the pages together)

The inside, all my notes are going to be covered in peacocks! 

A Roxy bag I got in TK Maxx down from 38 euro to 6, so far I've used it to carry my books, earphones, phone and sunglasses case to the garden and make sure they don't get lost!

An adorable cupcake case I got too, let's hope I don't eat it! ;)

What my afternoon consisted of yesterday in the glorious sunshine

A bad photo of my tan, but yeah, I'm that brown now. 

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless,
Aveen xx

Playlist for this blog post:
Panic! At The Disco ~ Let's Kill Tonight
Panic! At The Disco ~ The Ballad Of Mona Lisa
Panic! At The Disco ~ I Write Sins Not Tragedies
The Script ~ Science & Faith
The Script ~ Millionaires
Muse ~ Butterflies & Hurricanes
The Coronas ~ Grace Don't Wait!
Daft Punk ~ Get Lucky
Kodaline ~ Love Like This
Kodaline ~ High Hopes
Kodaline ~ All I Want

1 comment:

  1. Hey love your blog I joined xx
    Feel free to check out mine😘😘


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