
Saturday, 27 July 2013

An Extremely Weird Week!

Hello Everyone!

So as you can probably tell, I had a very, very weird and random week! Sit down, grab some popcorn and Maltesers (amazing combination to eat at the cinema) and let me tell you all about it (but this isn't the cinema, sorry)

So it all started on Monday with 'The Great Kate Wait' My Mam ran into my room, 7.30am screaming to get on Twitter, ''KATE'S GONE INTO LABOUR WITH THE ROYAL BABY' so consequently, I spent all the morning refreshing my Twitter with my mother and a thirst for knowledge about the Royal Baby. We also watched Kay Burley losing the plot on Sky News which was quite hilarious.

I left in the afternoon to socialise with some friends, thoroughly exhausted after spending hours upon hours watching Sky News and refreshing Twitter, in a constant quest for non existent information! It was good to see some of my friends, a few others weren't able to go or are in a different social circle. It felt kind of strange being with people my own age, as for the past nearly 2 months I've been with people in work a lot older than me. It felt weird as the types of conversations we had were completely different to the conversations in work, it's difficult to put my finger on what was so different.

 Perhaps it was the fact that maybe I've become accustomed to being in a more adult (not being sinister saying adult) working environment, with responsibilities, people depending/trusting me to do my work correctly and to the best specifications. This situation was different.

So I worked during the week too, which I don't mind, my bank account is looking better than ever! On Friday I bought a Doctor Who sonic screwdriver! It's Eleven's screwdriver and I love it. Yes, I'm nearly seventeen and spend some of my money on payday on a screwdriver, yes, mature aren't I? It's currently held in my TARDIS pen holder, what I need next is a Matt Smith cut-out! Anyone want to donate one? ;)

I also finished my back to school things on Friday too, I collected my school blazer and a German book. My heart sank as I realised that I am going back to school, that I won't be working until at least next summer and that it's going to be a lot of hard work, not just buying a blazer! As I was in Transition Year last year, I've started to jog my memory about various subjects so I won't be sitting there sobbing in September about how I used to remember all the work but don't now! It's not going to be fun, alas, like everything, it will be worth it in the long run!

On Saturday (today) I didn't have badminton so I had a lie-in for the first time in what felt like forever! I went downtown later on and bought myself some new whiteboard markers! (I had run out, devastating indeed) I got multiple colours, so what do I do with them? Write quotes on my whiteboard of course! (Pictures below!)

I finished 'An Abundance of Katherine's'' last week! I really enjoyed it, not as much as 'Looking for Alaska'' or TFIOS but I liked it all the same, it was light hearted, exactly what I needed after reading emotionally heavier books like Looking for Alaska and TFIOS. Due to work and everything I haven't been able to read much of 'Paper Towns' which is a crying shame as I'm loving it so far! I think boys would enjoy Paper Towns alot, as it's from a boys POV, I'm still enjoying it regardless!

Playlist for this update!
Two Door Cinema Club ~ What You Know
Panic! At The Disco ~ Let's Kill Tonight
Panic! At The Disco ~ The Ballad Of Mona Lisa (started singing this in work on Wednesday, it was weird)
Panic! At The Disco ~ I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Two Door Cinema Club ~ Sleeps Alone
Green Day ~ 21 Guns
Green Day ~ Wake Me Up When September Ends
Imagine Dragons ~ Demons
The Script ~ Science & Faith
The Coronas ~ Someone Else's Hands

The Sonic Screwdriver set I bought *dies of Whovian feels*

Eleven's Sonic Screwdriver!

My life for the past couple of evenings, procrastinating.

One of the quotes I wrote on my whiteboard

It's actually quite difficult trying to write on the board, left handed problems

A quote from possibly my favourite poem ever. 

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless,
Aveen xxx

Ps. Congratulations to William & Kate on the birth of their baby boy, Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge! Trying saying that name five times! x


  1. My best friend has the sonic screwdriver from DW! Haha we mess around with it sometimes. Great post x

    1. My brother has the Tenth Doctor's (David Tennant) sonic so I felt I needed one! Thank you! :) x


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