Hope you're all keeping well in this simply beautiful weather. Here in Ireland the temperatures are soaring in the 20-30 degrees Celsius mark! Something which is really rare here to be honest. As I live in the 'Sunny South East' we have been enjoying the best of the weather.
I have been slightly creative and hyper this week, probably due to the brilliant weather, so this week I'll be telling you more about my kind of artistic side. Just so you all know, I never did Art subjects in school, I never studied them as exam subjects or anything. It's just that I have a lot of artistic family members for some reason! (We all think it came from my grandfather, I am said to have his hands because I'm double jointed)
So, I have this pen holder, I've had it since I was around six or seven. However I was looking at it during the week and thought it was a little outdated for a nearly seventeen year old student! I have a love for Doctor Who (Yes, I am a Whovian!) so I decided, due to it's shape, to design it like the Tardis!
I measured the holder and measured everything out equally, using the Tardis above my desk as a guide (It's the 11th Doctors Tardis, Matt Smith's one) I sat at my desk, listening to Taylor Swift's album, Red and just simply drew the 4 sides of the Tardis, I can't quite explain it, but I completely immersed myself in the task, I listened to the entire album during the process.
I must say I'm quite proud of how well it turned out seeing as I'm don't credit myself as being artistic or mathematical (for the measurements and accuracy of the squares) as I feel I don't possess those traits. Perhaps I proved myself wrong!
In other news, I ordered 4 John Green books, (I already have TFIOS) and they arrived on Friday. I started with ''Looking for Alaska'' I won't spoil the book, but, I cried, and for a long time! There's something so beautiful, poetic and heartbreaking about John Green's books, I can't quite put my finger on it. However it's SOMETHING and really gave me alot to think about.
I'm reading An Abundance of Katherine's next I think, hopefully it won't be as sad as Looking for Alaska and TFIOS. I haven't started it yet as this afternoon I was at a local Patron. For those of you who are lucky enough to have never attended a Patron (pronounced Pattern) it's basically where you go to a graveyard at a specific date and time and a mass for the deceased is held. You wear good clothes, put flowers on the grave of your loved one (today it was my grandfather on my dad's side, who passed away a year before I was born) so I attended with my parents and brother. I wore a blue and white dress (I took some selfies on my phone for you all as I felt bad about taking non at the wedding last week) so I attended the Patron and it was fine.
An awkward selfie of my dress ..
Maybe I shouldn't upload this but okay, here's the dress, if anyone's wondering where it's from, it's from Penneys and I'm not sure how much it cost, I recycled the tag before I could check! But it wouldn't have been much as it's from Penneys (Primark for those in the UK)
The before photo of my pen holder ! It was quite girly and suited a 6 year old me VERY well!

A during photo of the drawing of the Tardis!
An After photo!

Side view of my now customised pen holder! Very proud of myself.
The John Green books arrived!
As a joke with my brother and also Grace (DaintySprinkles) I made a John Green book SHRINE. I even have a chocolate muffin candle there too! (Below it is some things I got in London)
A close up of my JG Book Shrine, did I mention I even made the cupboard? I'm a little too proud of it.. :)
So that's it for this week!
Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless,
Aveen xx
Ps. Just thought I'd say R.I.P. Cory Monteith, who played Finn in Glee. Back when I was 12-15 I used to watch Glee religiously and needless to say, he was my favourite character. Glee was also one of the first fandoms I was in and will always remain in my heart. I even had posters of Cory all over my bedroom walls. I was so upset to hear the news of his death this morning. My thoughts are with his family, friends, the Glee cast and in particular Lea Michele. Stay Strong guys x
PPS! The Blog Awards Ireland are still taking in nominations! Find the deets on my page under ''Contact Me & More!'' If you could vote for me or any of my blogging friends it would be amazing! Thank you x
Playlist for this blog:
(It's from my Spotify playlist!)
The 1975 ~ Chocolate
Mumford & Sons ~ I Will Wait
Train ~ 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
Biffy Clyro ~ Black Chandelier
Fall Out Boy ~ My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
Fall Out Boy ~ The Phoenix
Fall Out Boy ~ Alone Together
Fall Out Boy ~ Young Volcanoes
(Also I listened to the entire Red album by Taylor Swift whilst making the Tardis pen holder!)
I saw your Tumblr post and came to your blog!
ReplyDeleteI approve of the playlist, you have great taste in music... anything Fall Out Boy is worth a listen~~ ヾ(*・∀・)/
Oh why thank you! :) I adore Fall Out Boy! I made a playlist on Spotify and it has around 30 tracks, 15 of them are by FOB! Are you the new follower I just got on Tumblr? Thank you for checking out my blog, really appreciate it x
DeleteI think so... I'm not very good at Tumblr so I don't know if I managed to follow... :P x
DeleteFall Out Boy are amazing, I'm a big fan~!
Is Raven-puffle your Tumblr? I couldn't use Tumblr for months, then I got addicted :/ If you check all my other blog posts you'll see they've been featuring in my playlists for a good while now ! :)