
Sunday, 7 July 2013

On The Farm!

Hey Everyone!

This is just a random blog post about an afternoon I spent on the farm. As I'm Irish and it's stereotypical that you know someone who is a farmer or at least acts like one, I thought I'd prove that stereotype correct! The farm is owned by my uncle (my Dad's older brother) I also visited my lovely Nana there too. She's 92 and awesome.

I call her a hipster because she always compliments my shoes, which are always a different pair of Converse. It was a really hot day and I very stupidly wore a pair of black skinny jeans, pink low top Converse, a turquoise cardigan and a flowered little top. Not what you wear on a farm. I usually wear my Dunlop wellies. (I help milk the cattle and feed the calves)

So I basically chatted with Nana, walked around as usual and took some photos on my phone. I forgot my camera. Every Summer I take photos around the farm, I'll root out a photo I love of the river going past one of the fields!

Oh and for beauty bloggers reading this, I bought a new pair of Converse! These are my ninth pair. I am so addicted to wearing Converse it's getting frightening..

A random photo of my OOTD

Here's one I took, believe it or not, TWO years ago! On a terrible Samsung Tocco Lite! :)

Just a random little update!
Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless
Aveen xx

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