
Saturday, 25 May 2013

What's that? Is it... SUMMER?!

Hello Everyone! Another extremely quick week of the life of me! Maybe I'll tell you about it! ;)

So on Monday, we had our last official day of Transition Year. It was quite a shock to the system to be honest, the LAST day. We would never be TY's ever again. Fifth year loomed in the back of all our minds. I spent most of my last day in the school gym, practising for the awards night, as I was *gulp* hosting. So I spent the day writing my lines on flashcards and rehearsing. 

Shortly afterwards 7 pm arrived so I went back to school with my parents for the awards which started at 7.30. When I spoke into the mic I put on my ''telephone voice'' where you speak in a polished and polite manner. Overall it went really well and I was delighted. I even won four awards! My Folder of Achievement, which is full of certificates but I'm not counting it. An award for dedication to history, contribution to the yearbook, YSI participation and a ribbon for my scrapbook. (May tell you all the funny back story to the scrapbook one day) 

Then it came to time for The Ham to announce the Spirit of TY. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, who would it be? The Ham announced the names, John Redmond and Devon Vickers! I have never been so happy for two people to win such prestigious awards. They truly deserved it, they ARE Spirit's of TY. Congratulations John and Dev, I'm delighted for you both! :D

Most of TY arrived back into the school on Tuesday morning to clean up the Gym for other award ceremonies. I arrived around 8.20 and we were finished by around 9.30. Caítlín, Maeve, Áine and I all stood at the doors of the school, we had been told once we left today, we would be Fifth Years. A scary thought. Afterwards we went to a local cafe and I had a simply delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows in a cute little glass. We stayed there for nearly two hours before returning to the school. 

It made me realise how much my life has changed in a year. This time last year I never imagined I would be hanging out with the people I am, which is simply surreal when I thought about it, For that, I am glad I took out the year to do Transition Year. I know it was extra year I didn't have to do, but it was a lot better for me doing the year I think.

 I really came out of myself this year, I realised I had potential, plans, dreams and ambitions. If I work hard, I will achieve them. Take it day by day. Think positive. I have a quote on my wall right in front of my desk which says ''She turned her cant's into cans and her dreams into plans'' I want that quote to be about me. I'm not even lying. This year has made me so determined to achieve. To be more positive and happier.

And also, yes, I am officially on my summer holidays! Woo!

The wood craft stand at the Awards Night. My sleigh is the red one in the centre, I'm so proud of it!

Caítlín and Maeve in Joanne's on Tuesday

Such posers! ;)

The quotes I have in front of my desk. Quotes include Taylor Swift, John Green, Danisnotonfire and Veronica Roth! (More are scattered all over my room!) 

Playlist for this post:
Ed Sheeran ~ This City
Megan and Liz~ Are You Happy Now?
The 1975 ~ Chocolate
Imagine Dragons ~ Demons
Ed Sheeran ~ Wonderwall (cover)
Fall Out Boy ~ Thanks For The Memories 
Fun ~ Carry On

Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless,
Aveen xx

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog! I appreciate it so much.