It's been a long time hasn't it? I apologise for my absence since March 29, however I fear that these lengthy absences will become a frequent feature of this blog until June 18th (When I finish my Leaving Cert) For now though, I'm going to savour each blog post I write, as I know they will sadly be a rare occurrence.
This will be a Leaving Cert update I suppose, as well as my life obviously. No I don't have a life - it's only the Leaving Cert. Last time I updated, it was the start of my Easter holidays which I very much appreciated. The two weeks were filled with study, revision, Irish sraithpictiur and German bildergeschichte. It was tiring and a long slog, yet so worth it.
The two weeks after the Easter holidays were Irish and German oral time. My Irish oral was Tuesday 14th April. It lasted twenty minutes and I was extremely happy with it. I could see such a product of study and revision. (Fyi, I read Spailpín Fánach and got sraithpictiur 20, Samhradh Iontach!) German was the following Monday and went well too, which I am thrilled about.
Grace and I met up, went to Costa and filmed some AwkwardSprinkles videos. As you can imagine, with constant time constraints, I haven't even had time to look at editing the video, let alone posting it! I can't say for definite when it'll make an appearance, it may have to wait until the end of June as study for me is going up a gear (metaphorically to fifth gear at this stage) so we'll wait and see. I don't like making promises I can't keep so I won't say for certain.
I also proof-read The Sibling's thesis (which was interesting but literally made no suggestions for corrections, yay!) I also went out with my friends for my friends 18ths on two consecutive weekends! First up was Caítlín's 18th (photo below!) It's fair to say we had a fun night and all went out and had a brilliant night. This Friday night was Maeve's 18th (photo below!) and we went out again. Conversation flowed so easily between us all. In reality, it made me sad to think that after the Leaving Cert we mightn't have such fun night outs when we're all in different places for college. Thanks to the internet however, I think it'll be a lot easier to stay in touch. So it's best to just enjoy everything while it lasts.
The 'Vote Yes' bus visited my town/school during the week! If you don't live in Ireland I should explain. On May 22, Ireland is holding a referendum on marriage equality. Here is a link if you're interested. As I was 18 last September, I'm registered to vote. As I believe every citizen of Ireland deserves equality, I am voting yes. I believe everyone in this country should be equal. I also got a badge with ''Tá'' which is the Irish for yes from the Yes Equality people which is stuck proudly to my school pencil case. If you aren't registered, get it done quickly, I think the closing date is near.
Selfie with Grace!
Costa trips are a girl's best friend.
With the girls for Caítlín's 18th!
Saw this on Yik Yak, I always loved this quote. (It is also the title of this weeks blog post as I'm still catching up on Season 5 after the orals)
Maeve on her birthday, we went out too but I don't have any photos!
The Yes Equality Bus in town! #VoteYes
Mam and I were glued to the news watching for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Prince George and their latest addition are too cute!
My brother sent me this snapchat of me, needless to say it is my favourite photo!
My Yes Equality badge!
So that's about it from me,
Hope you're all well, it's only as I type these last few words have I realised how much I missed blogging! Hopefully I'll be blogging more regularly, fingers crossed!
If you're also doing the Leaving Cert, how is your study going? Let me know in the comments!
Stay Strong, Happy & Fearless!
Aveen xx
Aveen xx
Love these kind of posts! Good luck in your exams! (also, love that second to last photo ^_-) x
Thanks Jess! The goat is too cute isn't it? It's an emoji dramatically increased but it makes me giggle each time ! x