
Sunday, 18 September 2016

Life As Of Late - The College Edition

September has well and truly returned, bringing back the routines of school and college. I'm preparing for my third week back in college, so I finally mustered up the time to write about what I have been doing since making the trek back to Limerick. (The photo above was taken a couple of days before I left, in Courtown Harbour on the last day of summer). 

 Visiting DCU and Glasnevin Cemetery 

I went up to DCU shortly before returning to college, as my brother (fondly referred to as The Sibling) is starting his Master's degree up there. I wish him the very best of luck in the course and hope he likes DCU! 

I persuaded -read, begged - my parents to bring me to Glasnevin Cemetery while we were there. It truly was a wonderful experience to view the graves of so many historical figures from Irish history such as Michael Collins, Hannah Sheehy-Skeffington and Countess Markievicz to name a few. 

Visiting the cemetery added another dimension to the stories I've heard in history classes over the years. It brought a sense that these names in the history books were real people with real lives and graves. (Slightly morbid at times but it was a unique experience) 

Got a hair-cut and a spray tan for college 

My hair was in dire need of a trim so in true back-to-school tradition I got mine cut shortly before returning to Limerick. I also got a spray tan as they were on special offer in a local pharmacy and I was looking frightfully pale after being sick over summer. I ended up looking quite brown but it gradually lessened over the following days! 

Spotted Goats Outside The Window

Goats always make a consistent appearance in these blog posts, today is no exception! After a few days being back in Limerick, I opened a window and heard bleating. I looked across the road and there were two lovely goats in the field! They've since moved on but it was cute to see and hear them for a couple of days.

Socialised/Meet With Old Friends And New 

A major highlight of college is being back with my friends, as well as making new friends! College consists of frequent nights out, a sample of which I posted above. I promise the only new friends I've made aren't the pigeon that tottered over to me in the Bus Station! 

Retained Snap Streaks

At this stage, it feels as if we just send selfies with the captain of 'retain the streak!' or 'keep the streak!'  The joys of student living! 

How are you settling back into school or college?
Let me know!  

Aveen x

1 comment:

  1. I loved that you incorporated your snaps to this post, Aveen! It makes it so much more personable. Wishing you the best of luck with college life. xx



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