
Friday, 27 June 2014

My Gaeltacht Experience!

Hey Everyone!

I'm back home after spending three weeks in the Gaeltacht in Leitír Móir in Galway! It's slightly surreal to be speaking English, listening to music in English and typing away on my laptop after three weeks of pure Irish. So I thought I'd write a blog post about my experiences over in the Gaeltacht.

So I went on the bus to the Gaeltacht and as the area is quite remote, it took a few hours (six if I recall) and we were divided into our houses, the people who later practically became family! Each day was completely the same but also completely different.

The day started at 7.45 am, with breakfast at 8. We arrived at the Colaíste at 9.30 (we left the house at 8.55, walked for 15 ish minutes then got the bus) sang Amhrán na bhFiann with classes at 10.

We also had ceílís every night which were honestly brilliant and so fun. Each night had a different theme and you dressed according to the theme. We learnt so many songs and dances in Irish, soon I was thinking completely in Irish. I'm back 2 days from Leitir Móir and I'm still thinking in Irish.

The weather was amazing while I was there too. If you scroll through my photos (I had 145 photos but I picked my favourites which are below) you'll see some of the utterly gorgeous scenery that I was walking around for 3 weeks. The temperature reached 29 degrees Celsius a few days so sun cream (urchtar gréine) became mo chara is fearr! (best friend) It got to the stage where I was applying sun cream 4 times a day.

However I tan quite easily so I'm now incredibly brown after spending three weeks outside. When I arrived home my Mam exclaimed ''Aveen, you're brown!'' At the start of the photos I look my normal self however the photograph progressively show my skin become more tanned whoop.

My vocabulary in English still isn't quite up to its usual standard so I'm taking the next few days easy (which is why the language in this post is slightly repetitive, sorry, just not used to speaking English again!) and just catching up on what happened in the three weeks I was gone. I still can't believe I survived three weeks without my laptop, phone and Wi-Fi!

It was definitely a brilliant and unforgettable experience and I learnt so much new vocabulary which I'll definitely be using in my Irish exams. It's brilliant to be back home and chatting to all my friends (both in my
town and on the internet/idirlíon) I really missed you all!

Here are some photos of my adventures in the Gaeltacht, if you're going on a course, or if you went on the same course as me, let me know down in the comments or wherever :D

Gaeltacht, Leitir Móir 2014
Some of the scenery. 

My wristbands and tan

With Mary and Aisling on the last night!

Selfie in the sunlight. 

Lots of doodles..

Last day of classes! (photobombed by some of the lads)

With Louise!

My class for the three weeks, Rang Naoise! (Who even was Naoise)

Last Day Selfie

Walking home from the ceilí and took this photo.

A selfie within a selfie

Some of the scenery

Last night in the Gaeltacht!

Last day selfie with Ashling!


All the girls in my house :) 

Stay Strong, Happy & Fearless!
Hope you enjoyed reading about my time in the Gaeltacht, it was utterly brilliant and I'd love to go back next year (but I'll be doing my Leaving Cert *gulps*) 
Aveen xx


  1. All your photos are so amazing:D It sounds so much funnnnnn aaaahhhh (I really should have commented as Gaeilge ?)

    1. Aw thanks Grace, I really loved being over there, great craic! Ah it's grand, na bí buartha :D (I think that's how it's spelt, oops) :D


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